NetNutrition at Illinois State University

Event Management, Dining, and Hospitality (EMDH) strives to provide nutritionally-balanced menu options and accommodations for individuals with allergies or other dietary needs.

Whether your diet is gluten-free, dairy-free, vegetarian, or anything in-between, EMDH provides multiple options across campus to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Fresh vegetables and fruits are supplied daily with a full selection of proteins, grains, and more. New items are added on a regular basis to keep the selections fresh.

Dining Facilities

Menus are subject to change.

Menus are subject to change.

Menus are subject to change.

Menus are subject to change.

This is the most accurate nutrition & allergen information available. Manufacturers may change product formulations. The potential for cross contact does exist. Ultimately it is the customer’s responsibility to question ingredients or eat selected foods.
My Meal
Recipe Type